Submission Guidelines PURPOSE: To include submission guidelines to magazines, anthologies, agents, e-zines, book publishers, management firms, prodcos, and anywhere else that a writer's work (be it poetry or screenplay or magazine article or whatEVER) can be submitted. I do see that most of these guidelines pertain to publishing magazine articles, however. Telos Publishing Submission Guidelines Telos Publishing Ltd have several ranges of titles, and we are looking for original submissions. The ranges that are open for submission are as follows: horror/dark fantasy novellas; the "Time Hunter" range of books; and our range of unofficial "guide" type books to television series and films. Publication format will vary dependent on the submission and range.Please note that these are just guidelines. Telos has on occasion published, and will continue to publish, titles which have deviated from these (for example our novella The Human Abstract is a science fiction thriller; and Alice's Journey Beyond the Moon is a children's book). But an unsolicited submission needs to be very special and distinctive for us to accept it if it does not fall within one of the ranges detailed here.We are not looking for short stories or collections of short stories, anthologies, essays or critiques, we don't publish poetry, screenplays or scripts, and we are not literary agents and don't represent authors to other publishers or provide extensive critique or feedback on manuscripts or outlines. |
Black Gate Black Gate publishes epic fantasy fiction at all lengths, including novel excerpts, as well as articles, news and reviews. We're looking for adventure-oriented fantasy fiction suitable for all ages, as long as it is well written and original. |
Strange Horizons Guidelines Page Art: for inquiring about art and illustration submissions. Articles: for inquiring about interviews, science and technology, critical articles, history and culture, and other article submissions. Fiction: for inquiring about speculative fiction submissions. Poetry: for inquiring about SF, fantasy, horror, and "slipstream" poetry submissions. Reviews: for inquiring about submitting reviews of works of speculative art and entertainment (especially books, films, and games). |
Playboy Magazine Thank you for your inquiry regarding submission of fiction to Playboy. We accept unsolicited manuscripts of up to 5000 words that include stamped, self-addressed return envelopes. Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced and legible. Hand-written submissions will be returned unread. Writers who submit manuscripts without a stamped, self-addressed return envelope will receive neither the manuscript nor a printed rejection. We will not consider stories submitted electronically or by fax. |
Open Spaces Quarterly Open Spaces is a quarterly which gives voice to the Northwest on issues that are regional, national and international in scope. Our readership is thoughtful, intelligent, widely read and appreciative of ideas and writing of the highest quality. With that in mind, we seek thoughtful, well-researched articles and insightful fiction, reviews and poetry on a variety of subjects from a number of different viewpoints. Although we take ourselves seriously, we appreciate humor as well. |
Fifty Plus Writer's Guidelines While much of our content is written in-house by staff writers, we do occasionally assign stories to freelance writers. 50Plus magazine is published six times a year - February, April, June, August, October and December - with three special focus issues appearing in May (retirement and lifestyle options), September (travel) and November (holiday). The magazine is distributed to paid subscribers who are members of CARP, Canada's Association for the Fifty-Plus. |
Weekend Adventures Freelance Writers Information Weekend Adventures Magazine is a regional travel magazine –its focus is almost exclusively on vacation destinations in Western Maryland, The Potomac Highlands of West Virginia, The Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania. The magazine was launched in January 1997, and attracts over 100,000 readers annually. 15,000 copies are printed quarterly on newsprint, and are distributed free at visitor centers, resorts, businesses, state parks, and events. |
Writing for Family Tree Magazine Family Tree Magazine is a general-interest consumer magazine that helps readers discover, preserve and celebrate their family's history. We cover genealogy, ethnic heritage, personal history, genealogy Web sites and software, scrapbooking, photography and photo preservation, and other ways that families connect with their past. Articles are geared to beginners—our readers don't necessarily think of themselves as "genealogists"—but never talk down to the audience. Readers may be experts in one area of our coverage, yet novices in another. We emphasize sidebars, tips and other reader-friendly "packaging," and each article aims to provide the resources necessary to take the next step in the quest for one's personal past. |
Mysteries Magazine Writer's Guidelines We accept unsolicited manuscripts related to historical/ancient mysteries, the paranormal, conspiracies, recent archaeological finds, lost treasure, UFOs, new discoveries and scientific breakthroughs, or the occult. Before pursuing any topic, please query first at Average feature article is approx. 3,000-5,000 words in length although longer work will be considered (when writing historical articles, please include a list of reference material used in research). Sidebar information is also encouraged, as well as graphics, including copyright-free illustrations and original photographs. Mysteries Magazine takes full North American serial rights on all work accepted. We also reserve the right to post—either in part or in full—any articles or reviews on this web site. All mailed submissions should be set up in the standard manuscript format (title, name, address, phone number, approx word count on title page, double spaced and every subsequent page fully numbered). A bibliography is requested for historical articles, and/or a list of recommended books for further reading. Cover letter should include a brief bio and credits, where you heard of Mysteries Magazine, and any other pertinent information. An SASE must be included with all submissions and/or revisions to be considered and/or responded to. However, we encourage writers to email us their articles directly, to save on mailing and paper costs, to Although writers will be notified of acceptance within a few weeks of submission, we cannot guarantee a publication date. However when the article is scheduled for a particular issue, we will attempt to notify the writer before publication. We reserve the right to reject previously accepted work at any time and for any reason |
Reminisce Contributors' Guidelines WE LIKE TO SAY that Reminisce and Reminisce EXTRA have the largest magazine staff that’s ever been assembled—over 1 million writers and photographers! Of course, we’re talking about our subscribers, who send us great personal memories and photos from their family albums. We do not publish fiction. Instead, we want folks to tell us their true-life stories—personal reminiscences of years gone by. Published memories are edited, and in many cases, only an excerpt of the original memory is used. Payment is a model car, there is no money. |
So, that's the first installment, folks. There's a WHOLE lot more where that came from. |