Just a few posts below this one, I wrote about agents and included some advice about query letter writing because it seemed to fit there. So, go have a look-see if you're so inclined. I won't repeat myself here but will list some helpful links for query letter writing that I've collected from the internet. Since this blog is for all writers, some of the articles may refer to screenplays and some articles may refer to novels or magazines. I believe any which way you can get published or read and considered by someone else will be at the very least, a valuable learning experience. It's all good. THE LINKS: The Perfect Query Letter The Query Letter: Your Key to the Market Surefire Ways to Get Your Magazine Article Queries Accepted Write A Query Letter That Sells Anatomy of an Irresistable Query Letter Query Writing Mistakes to Avoid How to Successfully Query Your Sitcom Spec Scripts Over the Phone THE QUINTESSENTIAL QUERY LETTER Query Letters You Just Might L-O-V-E How to Write a Query Letter for a Romance Novel A Terrific Query Letter Writing a Bulletproof Article Query Query Creativity - A Way to Get Your Foot In the Door Query Letters: Do them Right! WRITING A KILLER QUERY LETTER Want a Sure-Fire Way to Create a Query Letter that Sells Your Book or Screenplay? Sample Query Letter How to Write a Query Letter What You Need To Know About Query Letters Query Letters to Knock Their Socks Off! Scriptblaster E-Query Service (pay) Screenwriter Sale e-query service (pay) QUERY LETTERS: One page is all you need How to Query Us (Zack Company) Writing a Query Letter Make the Perfect Pitch: The Novel Query The Complete Nobody's Guide to Query Letters Businessletterpunch Sample Novel Query Letter How to Write a Successful Query How to Write a Query Letter The Query Letter - and how to write one elements of a good query letter about a nonfiction manuscript HOW TO WRITE A QUERY LETTER How to Write a Query Letter Writing A Good Query Letter Writing a Query Letter and Book Proposal Nicholas Sparks: Sample Query Letter Guidelines for Writing a Query Letter Attention-Grabbing Cover and Query Letters How to get your screenplay actually - READ by an executive Query Letters from Crafty Screenwriting Want help in writing your query letter? (pay) Writing Effective Query Letters The Query Letter All Writers Want to Write Query letter Wizard (software) Breaking the Ice |