Saturday, December 22, 2007

Why We Fight - video about the Writer's Strike

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

BLOG: How to Write a Short Story

What a great idea for an entire blog! This blog is full of help for writers of short stories and those who just want to learn how to write in that form. They also share some good ideas as I do in my Brain Juice Blog.


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Some Articles on Writing

Monday, December 17, 2007

Screamfest Horror Film Festival

"Discovering the New Blood of Horror and honoring the Masters"

Learn about this film festival and their various competitions by visiting their website.

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"Dumb Dialogue O' the Week"

The Cypher Agency

The Cypher Agency represents more than two dozen nonfiction book writers. It specializes in health/medical, current affairs, memoir/biography, history, sports (NASCAR, golf, baseball), criminology and true-crime books.


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Jennifer Jackson, Literary Agent

Jennifer Jackson joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency of New York City in 1993. She grew up reading science fiction and fantasy, and initially concentrated her endeavors in that field. She continued by pioneering the expansion of the agency into the areas of romance and women's fiction, and is developing her list in the mystery and suspense genres. Her current roster includes best-selling fantasy writer Jim Butcher, Derringer-Award nominee C.M. Chan, and award-winning author Jo Ann Ferguson.

She is currently seeking new clients in all genres for the agency, which represents over one hundred authors of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, suspense, romance and other types of commercial novel-length fiction. She is interested in both new and established writers.

Previously, she worked as a bookseller for Waldenbooks, and also for Forbidden Planet, the retail division of London's Titan Books. All agents of the Donald Maass Literary Agency are members of the Association of Authors' Representatives. In addition to being members of the AAR, the agency also holds memberships in the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America,, the Mystery Writers of America, and the Romance Writers of America.

You can find submission guidelines by navigating from the homepage.

MY DISCLAIMER: I do not know this agent or anything about her agency. I am posting this for informational purposes only.

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Banned Books On-line

From the website:
"Welcome to this special exhibit of books that have been the objects of censorship or censorship attempts. The books featured here, ranging from Ulysses to Little Red Riding Hood, have been selected from the indexes of The Online Books Page. (See that page for over 25,000 more online books!)

This page is a work in progress, and more works may be added to this page over time. Please inform of any new material that can be included here. Note that the listings are meant to be representative rather than exhaustive. Also, many recent books that have been banned or challenged have not been included here, because they have not been made available online. (But see below)."

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Filmmaking Glossary

A/B Story
"A" story is the main story/theme while "B" story refers to the background story
Black Comedy
Comedy in which the humor is derived from subjects which are typically considered "serious", or for which humor is usually considered as unsuitable: death, war, misery.
Call Sheet
Listing of which actors will be required for which scenes, and when they will be required.

Read all the rest at the website!

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action description: the overt, physical actions that happen on screen, such as “He falls down the stairs” or “She pulls a gun, hands shaking.”
actor: a gifted individual who has studied the craft of acting in order to portray roles in performances of dramatic literaure.
alter-ego: a substitute “self” for a writer, usually a protagonist in the writer’s story.
ambience: the overall quality of mood, tone, or atmosphere in a film.
antagonist: a character that puts barriers and reversals in the way of a protagonist’s progress or objective.
archetype: a universal character modeled upon those that have been appearing in stories since the time of our ancient ancestors.
assistant director: a film crew member whose job it is to manage the set protocols and keep the film shoot on schedule.
atmosphere: the dominant mood or emotional tone of a film.
audience expectation: particular elements of a film genre which the audience consciously or unconsciously expects to see.
aural: a film element that can be heard (such as an off screen sound like a dog howling or a gun firing).

...and so on...MORE HERE

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Sunday, December 16, 2007

Absolute Shakespeare

Absolute Shakespeare, the essential resource for William Shakespeare's plays, sonnets, poems, quotes, biography and the legendary Globe.Theatre.

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A.K.A. Author pseudonyms

also known as
author pseudonyms, aliases, nicknames, working names, legalized names, pen names, noms de plume, maiden names... etc.
Asimov, Isaac (1920-1992) [Dr. A, George E. Dale, The Good Doctor, Paul French, H.B. Ogden]
Brontë, Charlotte (1816-1855) [C.B., Currer Bell, Marquis of Douro, Genius, Lord Charles Wellesley]
King, Stephen (Edwin) (1947-) [Richard Bachman, John Swithen]
Reback, Janet Taylor Caldwell (1900-1985) [Janet Miriam Taylor Holland Caldwell, Taylor Caldwell, Taylor Caldwell Prestie, Max Reiner]
Christie, Agatha (Mary Clarissa Miller) (1890-1976) [Agatha Christie Mallowan, Mary Westmacott]
Burroughs, Edgar Rice (1875-1950) [Norman (Normal?) Bean, Craig Shaw Gardner, John Tyler McCulloch, John Tyler McCullough]

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American literature

American literature - BUBL LINK Catalogue of Internet Resources

Alex Catalog of Electronic Texts
American Literature
Anglo-American Literature Guide
Calls For Papers
Cambridge History of English and American Literature
Catharton: Authors
D H Lawrence: Studies in Classic American Literature
Donna M Campbell: Department of English, Gonzaga University
Literary Resources on the Net
Literature Resources
Literature Webliography
Oxford Book of American Essays
Page By Page Books
Perspectives In American Literature
Reading Wilde, Querying Spaces: An Exhibition Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Trials of Oscar Wilde
Southwestern Literature
Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia: US Journalists 1840-1960
Twentieth Century Authors
University of Virginia Electronic Text Library
Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color
Yahoo UK and Ireland: Literature


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International Arts Resources from Artslynx
Arts Links to Theatre, Dance, Music, and more from Artslynx

Artslynx is designed as a portal to the best information on the arts available on the web. It's curated link libraries and extensive original material (especially in the areas of theatre and dance) are specifically optimized for researchers, scholars, educators, students, and professionals working in the arts.


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Aspects of the Victorian Book

I find this subject to be absolutely fascinating. Not everybody's cup of tea, to be sure, but I love it. They have sections on printing technology, illustration, lithography, 1860's wood engravings, photographically illustrated books, binding, John Leighton bindings, "Middlemarch" - the novel by George Eliot, yellowbacks, penny dreadfuls, children's books, and magazines.


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Press Release Writing

This website is mainly seeking to market its press release writing services or a book on how to write press releases. Meanwhile, they do actually offer some good tips (when you get to the webpage, find the advice and tips navigation in the left column). Here's one sample tip:
There are seven basic elements that every press release should have in terms of content and how it appears:

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: These words should appear in the upper left-hand margin, just under your letterhead. You should capitalize every letter.

Contact Information: Skip a line or two after release statement and list the name, title, telephone and fax numbers of your company spokesperson (the person with the most information). It is important to give your home number since reporters often work on deadlines and may not be available until after hours.

Headline: Skip two lines after your Contact information and use a boldface type.

Dateline: This should be the city your press release is issued from and the date you are mailing your release.

Lead Paragraph: The first paragraph needs to grasp the reader's attention and should contain the relevant information to your message such as the five W's (who, what, when, where, why).

Text: The main body of your press release where your message should fully develop.

Recap: At the lower left hand corner of your last page restate your product's specifications, highlight a product release date.

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Based on the Book

Based on the Book
'Based on the Book' is a compilation of over 1,200 books, novels, short stories, and plays that have been made into motion pictures. Utilizing the Internet Movie Database as the authority, all movies in this collection have been released as feature-length films in the United States, in English, since 1980.

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