Sunday, March 26, 2006

Galleria Eros Writer's Lounge

Galleria Eros Writer's Lounge

America's topwriters andMedia Pros helpYOU make it as a writer, FREE...IN YOUR E-MAILBOX! Free in your e-mail box four times a year. Your information is never sold or shared with third parties, ever!

Galleria Eros WritersLounge.Org is here for when you need to write. Here, you'll find working media professionals who want to make you a better, more successful writer. No catches. No charges. No strings. No kidding.

From a single location--GEWLie Magazine--you can access a number of free writers' tools, including...
Money$worth - The hottest paying markets just waiting for your work
Writer's Lair - Tips from a literary pro on how to write better
The Book Markets - Real people buying real books from real authors
SoundOff - Talk it up, ask questions, or just be a pest
Members' Works - Go ahead and showcase your own work
AmSAW Toolbar - The first and only toolbar designed exclusively for writers, and all free!

NOTE: This links to their original webpage. They note that FUTURE updates will be at another url.