Saturday, December 03, 2005

Lines that should be taken out and beaten with a stick

Since the best part of Project Greenlight was its community and the messageboards, that part of it was sorely missed when the messageboards came down for good. Many friendships and mutual help groups formed. We reviewed one anothers' scripts or some were able to provide helpful contacts in the entertainment industry. When the Project Greenlight messageboards disappeared for good, we sure missed the fun we had just shooting the shit.

One of our favorite subjects was, of course, writing. And under the heading of writing, we did have some fun with each other and with various loglines and lines of dialogue we'd encounter in some of the mandatory reviews we did as part of our contest participation.

In the third and last Project Greenlight contest, our discussions about Project Greenlight moved to other messageboards such as the Ezboard I started that was called, "The Kickass Resource." Click on that name to visit the archives of some old posts (if that tickles your fancy).

I present to you here, one of the most fun group reviews we had at the Kickass Resource. It was all about writing. Sort of.

And the conversation continued...


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