Contests for Writers - Part Four
Acclaim Film and Television |
Contest Advice from Coverscript |
Event Creative Non-Fiction Contest - Writers are invited to submit manuscripts exploring the creative non-fiction form. Check your library for back issues of Event with previous winning entries and judges' comments. Contest back issues are available from Event for $5.35 (includes GST and postage; $5US for American residents; $9Cdn for overseas residents). |
U.S. Naval Institute Annual Essay and Photo Contests |
Cup of Comfort Collections - Seeks true stories on various topics. Winning stories are published. Each collection has a grand prize of $500. All other published contributors receive $100 each. No reading fees. Length: 1,000 to 2,000 words. Deadlines vary. |
Conversely Antidote Essay Contest - Annual contest for essays about female-male romantic relationships. |
Foster City International Writer's Contest - Fiction, Poetry, Children's Story, Humor or Personal Essay | - How would you like the opportunity to win up to $4000 dollars for writing just one page? Well, here’s your chance. |
JOHN REID/TOM HOWARD WRITING CONTESTS INFORMATION - Each year, John H. Reid sponsors three writing Contests. These Contests are open to all writers worldwide, although please note that all entries must be written in English. 2. The Margaret Reid Poetry Prize, closing June 30, 2006. (Winners are published in anthologies. Hmmm...) |
WinFemme - Monthly and annual film & screenplay festival in Los Angeles. Winners receive staged readings and screenings in Hollywood on a monthly basis with top industry executives who discuss the artist's work. |
Fade In: Screenwriting Awards - Cash prizes and industry exposure from the publishers of Fade In Magazine. |
American Zoetrope Screenplay Contest |
Scriptapalooza TV - Semi-annual competition that accepts pilots and spec scripts for sitcoms and one hour episodics. |
Spec Scriptacular Contest - Spec Scriptacular TV Writing Competition. A television competition for TV episode and movie scripts and original pilot teleplays. |
Tennessee Screenwriting Association |
Santa Fe Writer's Project |
Fake Contests - Educate yourself. |
Backdoor Theatre New Play Project - Backdoor Theatre’s New Play project, established in 1985, exists to cultivate playwrights and to showcase new theatre. In a workshop environment, selected plays are mounted with full production value and receive at least six performances in Backdoor’s 170 seat Mainstage theatre. Submitted plays are processed through a play-reading panel, and selection is made in collaboration with the theatre’s professional staff. The selected play is cast from the community theatre talent pool and rehearses for five weeks. Each selected script is considered a “work in progress” and every practical effort is made to achieve a collaborative state among cast, crew, director, producer and playwright. |
One-In-Ten Screenplay Competition - Open to all writers. At least one of the primary characters in the screenplay must be a positively portrayed gay or lesbian character. |
Haunted Newport Short Story Contest - Original, unpublished stories up to 5,000 words are sought on a paranormal theme, and incorporating at least two Newport, Rhode Island, landmarks. |
24-Hour Short Story Contest |
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